easy chicken curry recipe
Easy Dinner Recipes Recipes

One Pan Easy Chicken Curry for your Next Family Dinner

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Looking for a quick and easy dinner recipe that’s sure to delight your entire family? Look no further than this one-pan easy chicken curry, also known as Chicken Kiliya! This cherished family recipe has been passed down through generations and has become a go-to option for a cozy family night dinner.

Where does this recipe come from?

In India, every family has its unique version of their chicken curry, influenced by the diverse regional cuisines found across the country. This manifests in a variation of flavours, ingredients, spices, and cooking techniques. This particular version comes from the Maharashtra region and it uses a blend of spices like coriander, cumin, turmeric, and red chili powder. The curry is simmered with tender chicken pieces in a luscious gravy of onions, tomatoes, ginger, garlic, and a touch of tanginess from buttermilk.

Simplicity is key

When it comes to feeding a a large group of people, simplicity is key. With this one-pan recipe, you can create a super delicious meal without spending excessive time in the kitchen or, worse, dealing with a mountain of dishes afterward. The convenience of cooking everything in a single pan allows you to focus on what truly matters, spending quality time with your loved ones.

To make it an unforgettable family dinner, consider serving this curry with a side of garlic yogurt dip. The creamy and tangy dip adds a delightful contrast and also provides a cool and refreshing element that balances the spiciness. A chopped salad comprising juicy tomatoes, crisp cucumbers, and vibrant parsley adds a burst of freshness and a pop of colour to the meal, ensuring a well-rounded dining experience.

What should you eat with the curry?

Of course, no family dinner is complete without a staple like rice. A big pot of fluffy rice serves as the perfect accompaniment to the curry. The mild and neutral nature of rice provides a pleasant contrast to the bold and aromatic flavours of the curry, making it a hit with even the youngest members of the family.

Preparing this one-pan easy chicken curry is a breeze. Begin by sautéing onions and garlic in a pan until golden brown and fragrant. Then, add the chicken and cook until it’s lightly browned on all sides. Next, stir in a blend of aromatic spices, coating the chicken evenly. Pour in a can of diced tomatoes and buttermilk and let the flavours come together as the sauce simmers. Finally, garnish with fresh cilantro and serve with the suggested sides for a complete and memorable family dinner.

This one-pan easy chicken curry is a beloved family recipe that promises to bring joy to your family night dinner. Its simplicity, rich flavours, and the opportunity to create lasting memories make it the perfect choice for a cozy and enjoyable evening with your loved ones. Give it a try and experience the magic of this cherished family recipe for yourself.

easy chicken curry recipe

One Pan Easy Chicken Curry

Looking for a quick and easy dinner recipe that's sure to impress your friends and family? Try this one pan easy chicken curry.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Resting Time 1 hour
Course Dinner
Cuisine Indian
Servings 4 people


  • 500g chicken pieces on the bone approximately a whole chicken
  • 1 tbsp garlic/ginger paste mix 
  • 2 tsp salt 
  • 1 tsp chilli powder or to taste
  • 1 tsp chilli flakes or to taste
  • 1 tsp ground cumin
  • 1 tsp whole cumin 
  • 1 tspn ground coriander
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste 
  • 2 tbsp 2 lemon juice
  • cup fried  onions you can make ur own by frying thinly sliced onion until brown
  • 1 cup buttermilk 
  • 3-4 curry leaves
  • For serving
  • 2 tbsp fresh coriander   chopped
  • 2 cups basmati rice


  • Mix all the ingredients together and marinate in the fridge for 1 hour. 
  • Heat oil in a pot and add marinated chicken, stir occasionally until cooked, approximately 40 minutes. Add additional water if needed.
  • Cook the rice according to the packaging instructions.
  • Sprinkle the coriander over the curry and serve with rice and a vegetable, garlic yoghurt sauce and salad side of your choice.


This chicken curry is perfect followed by this make-ahead simple pear galette recipe

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