Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman
Cookbooks we love

Cookbooks We love: Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman

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The woman behind the book

Alison Roman is a chef, cookbook author, and food writer known for her unique approach to home cooking. Gaining popularity during her time at Bon Appétit, through her column in the New York Times and her own Youtube cooking channel, where she hosts extravagant dinners from her tiny New York apartment, including all the behind the scene cooking adventures full of tips and tricks for hosting. She has since gained a significant social media following and released three cookbooks that feature simple recipes with bold flavour. 

The first of Alison Roman’s recipes that I tried was this Tomato-Poached Fish With Chile Oil and Herbs Recipe that I found after hours of watching her Youtube channel. It was an instant hit and when the recipe book was released I finally bought it for myself as a Christmas present, from me to me.

Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman

So what’s inside?

Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman emphasizes an approachable method of cooking with a focus on the social aspect of sharing a meal, without spending hours in the kitchen. She believes that the best meals are shared with friends and family, and her recipes reflect this philosophy.

The book is focused on creating meals that are “Nothing Fancy” but sure to impress guests and is bursting with tips and tricks for having people over. Such as how to set the table, create a festive atmosphere, and most importantly, how to not panic an hour before guests are due or have arrived because the chicken hasn’t roasted or you don’t have space for ice in your freezer (fill the bathtub or a large bucket and let guests serve themselves, she recommends). There is an entire section in the book dedicated to hosting, suggestions for menus, and advice on how to make guests feel welcome (and useful). All fuss-free of course. She is clear that this book is not about entertaining, you won’t find a guide on how to fold floral napkins or create the perfect hors d’oeuvres here. It’s all about asking for help, picking your battles, and never apologizing, Roman’s three helpful things.

Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman

One of the strengths of Nothing Fancy is its versatility. Her recipes can be adapted for dietary preferences, and includes suggestions for substitutions and variations, allowing you to customize the recipes based on your taste. No recipe is too precious that it can’t be adapted.

Some of my go-to recipes in this book are Labne with Sizzled Onion and Chilli (a guaranteed hit); Harissa Braised Flat Beans with Herbs and Frizzled Chickpeas with Onion Feta and Oregano.

Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman

Would I buy this book again?

Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman is easily one of my most used cookbooks and is a must-have for anyone who loves to cook and have people over. With its focus on simple yet flavourful recipes and the pleasure of sharing meals with loved ones, this cookbook is sure to become a staple in any kitchen. Whether you’re a seasoned cook or a beginner, Nothing Fancy is a great resource for creating delicious meals that bring people together.

Nothing Fancy by Alison Roman

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